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Career Coaching

Guidance in professional change processes

Connect with your soul and use your sensitivity as a guide to your calling

Take a conscious moment and ask yourself, "Am I on the right career path? Or am I still doing too much of what I no longer wanted to do or what is holding me back? Am I staying in one place for too long, even though it drains or bores me?" Perhaps you are currently at a turning point where you need to make a life decision and initiate changes. This phase can be overwhelming. If you are seeking guidance during this time, I am here with my offerings for you - as a mentor, confidante, and fellow human.


As a certified coach (artop Institute/Humboldt University), I specialize in supporting neuro-sensitive individuals in processes of change related to career, calling, and professional life design. Through my years of work as a consultant and supervisor, and through my personal experiences, I have developed a deep understanding of the various facets of ADHD, autism, and high sensitivity.


Neuro-sensitive individuals have heightened perception and sensitivity - like fine antennae. Through targeted training and coaching, these fine antennae are sharpened, and sensitivity can be utilized as potential. It's about no longer viewing sensitivity as an obstacle, but recognizing and harnessing it as a powerful tool. It then functions as a guide, an inner compass, to navigate through life step by step while creating an environment that aligns with one's own needs - living an authentic life with freedom, ease, and harmony.

How can a coaching process look like?

If you're feeling challenged by the dynamics of your current situation, whether things are in motion or feeling stagnant, I provide a safe space for you to explore your professional and personal challenges and develop your visions. Utilizing established methods from career counseling, we'll examine your life story - from health and family, beliefs and obstacles, to values and aspirations. We'll also delve into your professional journey, qualifications, and skills. By closely examining these dimensions and connecting them, we aim to provide clarity and direction for your next professional steps.


To bolster your inner stance and self-assurance, the first step is to cultivate self-awareness - to introspect and ask: "Who am I really?" "What do I truly need?" "What are my desires?"


Once a sense of security is established at this level, we then turn our focus outward: "Where do I feel drawn (subconsciously)?" "What is my (soul's) mission?" "What conditions are essential for my job satisfaction?" Finally, we take action, outlining the initial steps.


Destructive beliefs, such as "I struggle through life" or "I have to work excessively hard", can be dismantled during the coaching process, creating room for new possibilities. In this space, it becomes possible to rekindle trust in your own intuition and to clearly discern inner prompts for action.


It requires courage, patience, and trust to perceive these prompts and follow them, ultimately crafting a life that resonates with your authentic self. Nurturing this trust is a fundamental aspect of my coaching approach. I aid my clients in staying the course and navigating their chosen path, despite any resistance encountered along the way.

Why Coaching?
  • Finding identity

  • Dealing with high sensitivity, AD(H)D and ASD

  • Dealing with the energy balance

  • Regulating the nervous system

  • Strengthening resilience, self-awareness and self-confidence

  • Reducing performance stress and performance anxiety

  • Understanding and redefining beliefs and blockages

  • Establishing and strengthening "the inner team"

  • Activating self-healing powers

  • Orientation, goal setting and implementation

  • Clear professional standing (positioning and visibility)

  • Optimizing self-organization and time management

  • Getting out problem trance

  • Preparing job interviews and salary negotiations

  • Workplace design

  • First steps towards self-employment

  • Overcoming mobbing and psychological violence at the workplace

Questions to look at in a coaching process

What is already there?


What is important to me?

Image by Mathilda Khoo

What is in me?

Where do I want to go?

Which strategies
do I need?

What has been so far?


Where do I come from?


Where am I now?

"Aufgrund eines Burnouts bin ich aus einem stressigen Job in der Finanzbranche ausgeschieden. Nach zwei Jahren therapeutischer, psychiatrischer, achtsamkeitsorientierter und physischer „Arbeit", waren die Depression und Angststörung, resultierend aus einer nicht diagnostizierten ADHS, Hochsensibilität und auch autistischen Zügen in Kombination mit der daraus entstehenden dauerhaften Ãœberlastung in einem stressigen Job erkannt, diagnostiziert und zum Teil auch behandelt. Dennoch fehlte mir nach zwei Jahren noch immer ein Puzzlestück, um nicht nur näher an mich heranrücken zu können, sondern wirklich meinen Platz in meinem Leben einzunehmen und mein Selbst zu sein. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt habe ich Clara als Coachin getroffen und so begann meine 5-monatige Coaching-Reise. Clara hat mir den Weg gezeigt, den ich die ganze Zeit gespürt, aber nicht gefunden habe. Sie tut das, was wohl ihre Berufung ist, indem sie zuallererst mal eine gute Zuhörerin ist. Ich konnte mich ihr gegenüber schnell öffnen und habe zu jederzeit das Gefühl gehabt, ernst genommen und verstanden zu werden. Clara hat mich dann behutsam in den Gesprächen geführt und inspiriert, meinen eigenen Weg zu mir zu finden und in meine Präsenz zu kommen. Auch hat sie mich in meiner Spiritualität gesehen und mir geholfen, diese für mich wieder zugänglich zu machen. Clara hat mich inspiriert, zu mir zu finden und mich gelehrt, mich auch in schwierigen Zeiten nicht wieder zu verlieren. Danke!"
David, 39, (ADHS, Autismus, HSP)
studierter Volkswirt, Plattenhändler
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